25 Ekim 2014 Cumartesi


In my recent memory, no one has dominated the pages of the popular "Undergear" men's catalog like Adam Ayash. He is on the COVER of the most recent issue....  And it's no wonder with his well-muscled upper body and biceps; trim and well-defined abs and his thickly muscled thighs as well as a perfectly symmetrical physique; he is defintely the top in-demand underwear model today.

I just love his sexy arm tattoo [seen in video below].....plus, that Adam is so well-endowed and fills out a thong like nobody else doesn't hurt him at all!

He became famous after appearing in some top male fitness websites such as AllAmericanGuys: www.allamericanguys.com. Also, this sexy Arab hunk was named several times the Top and Best Model on those sites. Now Adam is a premiere fitness model represented by Silver Model Management.

Adam is of Lebanese descent. He originally came from South Lebanon but moved to the USA after the Lebanese civil war. Adam actually is a graduate from the University of Michigan, with a major in Science....proving that this hot Arab young man is not only sexy but also smart. Adam now preparing himself to becoming a professional model.

Heh, also check out his awesome YouTube video workout:

24 Ekim 2014 Cuma


Eric Turner "ERICTASTIC" is a real American Hero.  Eric is a major participant and fund-raiser in Houston's annual Aids fund-raising walk: 'AIDS Walk Houston'.
Extraordinary Personal trainer, Major Competitive Bodybuilder, and In-Demand Fitness Model and Top Humanitarian Eric Turner has many admirers.  We often see him in the altogether, or almost, since he’s repeatedly called upon to model in racy underwear ads—may be surprised to know that he started out his adult life very, well-clothed.  A surprisingly shy Utah native, Turner, 32, was a devout Mormon who not only spent two neck-tied years on a bicycle as a door-to-door missionary, but who also once trained others to do so.
It was in some ways his religious upbringing that inspired his devotion to fitness. “Your body is a temple,” he reminds. But his association with the Mormons ended badly. “I made whoopee with a boy and was excommunicated,” says the 6-foot-1, openly gay Turner, who later made his way to Houston to be with his then-boyfriend.
A year later, he was single. But he’s staying in Houston, where his career has really taken off. He’s in demand at River Oaks’ popular Fit Athletic Club, and he turns up regularly in fitness and fashion magazines here and abroad. Plus, he’s recently entered the bodybuilding arena, and won a major meet in Dallas, the 2012 NPC Ronnie Coleman Classic in March, in the new “physique” category. So far Eric has participated in the following contests:

  • 2012 NPC Junior USA Championships placed 2nd
  • 2012 NPC Ronnie Coleman Classic placed 1st
  • 2012 NPC National Championships 16th
  • 2014 Currently Training for Major Event in Chicago [June] 

It’s been a long road for Eric, who's taken 10 years of relentless dedication to get his body into its current show-stopping shape—which, by the way, he shows off this year in a revealing new beefcake calendar featuring former Mormon missionaries as Mr. March. It's so cool that a one-time Latter Day Saint would strip down so easily for the camera; and Eric says “It celebrates, for me, the hard work that I’ve done,” and he notes. “One day I’ll be able to look back and say, ‘Damn, I had a nice ass.’”

Recently Eric married fitness model Morné Coetzer in Capetown, South Africa. They met when Eric visited the UK, where Morne was living.  Eric traveled with his husband-to-be Morne all throughout Europe.

Turner’s Hots:

Deadmau5, barbell hip thrusts, front squats, David Sedaris, Lululemon, pizza dipped in ranch dressing (“I’m a fat girl trapped in a muscle body”), voting

Turner’s Nots:

Potholes, Kardashians, mayonnaise, Abercrombie & Fitch, intolerance

15 Haziran 2014 Pazar



Julian Andre Navarro was born January 15, 1991; and currently lives and grew up in Philadelphia, PA. In May he just graduated from Temple University with a degree in Kinesiology -Concentration: Exercise and Sports Science.  Now, he is getting prepared for his 2014 MuscleMania Pro debut in Ft. Lauderdale at the Fitness Universe Weekend June 27-28 in Ft Lauderdale, FL.  Julian, the 2013 Musclemania® Universe Champion, weeks before the MM show already looks amazing! .... At 5'8″, 175 lbs., he looks ripped, full and with 15+ lbs. more muscle.  Hang on because Julian will return to the show, bigger, leaner and ready to take on the other Musclemania Pros.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

2013 Musclemania Universe Champions:
Sheronica Henton (R - Women) and Julian Navarro (L - Junior & Open Overall) were champions in so many ways last year in Miami Beach. Sheronica is a US Army soldier stationed in Germany. She was the '12 Figure Europe Champion and competing in the Universe was a natural progression in his competitive career. Julian stormed his way on to the stage and stunned everyone. The 5'8", 175 lbs. university student earned a standing ovation at the show with impressive muscle thickness, symmetry and showmanship like a seasoned veteran.

Julian has been training for seven years now. He started weight training in high school, at age 16 to gain strength for wrestling and crew, and then he fell in love with weight lifting. It wasn’t until he saw his first bodybuilding magazine with Victor Martinez in it that he said, “Woahhh!!! I want to look like that".   He then joined a gym that was run by IFBB Pro Jason Greer who really helped to point him in the right direction, and answered any questions he had....a really great guy.

As a beginner, the mistakes that he made were probably the same as everyone else, poor diet, and too much training.  When it came to diet he knew he had to eat every 2-3 hours, but he didn’t know what he should be eating.  He was just shoveling food in his mouth like there was no tomorrow. When it came to training, he didn’t have a set plan, he would just train for hours, not realizing that he needed to rest and eat.  He just loved to train, so he would spend all his time in the gym.

When doing his meals he plans for the whole year.  He sets a goal weight to reach and calculates for that weight, making sure that each meal equates to the necessary totals for that goal.  He believes that being consistant is the key, so if he keeps his diet on track and trains intensely he will get to where he needs to be.

Pertaining to training, Julian will analyze his physique and see where he needs to improve upon the most, and then stick with some core movements for that area. For example, when he needed to add more thickness to his upper chest (much like every bodybuilder) he would include three incline movements in his chest routine: incline press (barbell or dumbbell), incline cable fly, and an incline free-weight fly usually superset right into dumbbell pressing.

He used to bulk up, but that wasn’t very practical.  He wasn’t able to see how his body was really changing and he would always be tired from just carrying around a lot of weight. Now he prefers to stay lean year round and adjust his portions as he meets desired goals. This way is much less stressful on the metabolism, it’s also nice to see exactly where the changes are being made.

When it comes to cardio he prefers HIIT or Steady State cardio. He usually does HIIT after a weight training session and for 10 minutes.  He doesn't have set time frames that he sprints for, he just sprints as long as he can, resting until he catch my breath, and then spring again. When doing Steady state, he will usually do this fasted or late at night before he goes to sleep; if he choses a steady state over HIIT he will perform it at a 50% heart rate max.

When doing cardio he prefers to use an elliptical, that way he can set the incline to target the glutes and hamstrings.


Monday: Chest and Biceps (Mainly a pressing day) Favorite movements for Chest: Decline Barbell Press and incline cable fly’s
Favorite movements for Biceps: Barbell Curls and Preacher curls

Tuesday: Quads
Favorite movements Quads: Front Squats and Stationary Lunges

Wednesday: Back (Rowing and Rack Pulls)
Favorite movements for Back: Underhand Barbell Rows and Rack pulls

Thursday: Shoulders and Triceps
Favorite movements for Shoulders: Dumbbell Press and Lateral raises on an incline
Favorite movements for Triceps: Cable Kickbacks and Bench Dips

Friday: Rest or Weak Body Part
[Currently he is using this as a second chest day instead of a rest day. He only does fly movements, two cable fly variants, two free weight fly variants and a burnout or drops set on the Pec Dec.]

Saturday: Hamstrings and Back (pull downs)
Favorite movements for Hamstrings: dumbbell narrow stiffs and standing hamstring curls 
Favorite movements for Back:underhand pull downs and pullovers
Sunday: Rest

Abs and Calves are done three times a week randomly.

Cardio (3-5 times a week): Cardio will be done either post workout or a second session later during the day. If he feels like he has lot of fat to lose he will do fasted cardio in the morning first thing.

Reps and Sets:

Currently he is sticking within the 6-8 rep range with roughly 4-5 sets per exercise. Since he recently became a Muscle Mania Professional Bodybuilder he needed to put on some size. Sticking within this rep range has allowed him to pack on some serious size and thickness to his physique. When lifting I am not just moving the weight from point A-B, he focuses on controlling the weight and making sure he is contracting the tissue through the concentric and eccentric phases. A lot of people will implement this style of training when getting closer to a show to help bring out separation, he figured why not train like this year round and develop an amazing physique.

When Julian is getting ready for a show his diet is very simple. All meals (and he means all meals) become fish, sweet potato, and broccoli. Fish is high in protein and high in fat as well, this allows his body to mobilize more fatty acids because it recognizes that there is a constant supply of healthy fats and no longer needs to hold on to the stored fat. Sweet potato acts a natural diuretic, allowing him to hold less water and making my water depletion phase a lot easier. 

Julian's favorite bodybuilders include: Arnold, Franco, Sergio Oliva, Frank Zane, and Victor Martinez.

Recovery: Whey protein, BCAA’s, Glutamine, Multi-vitamin
Fat loss: L-carnitine , CLA, Green Tea Extract, and Fish Oil
Joint support: Glucosamine

1. Take things one day at a time. Make sure you are doing your best each day to achieve that end goal.

2. Find motivation to keep going, follow an athlete or an inspirational speaker, anything that can help give you that extra push you need.

3. Diet is key! If you are eating for your desired physique you will get it.

Julian Navarro's facebook page:

Instagram: @king_Navarro

4 Haziran 2014 Çarşamba


He is only 18 years old, living in London, UK. His height is 5'10 (179 CM) and he weighs 166 LBS (76 KG) of solid muscle.  He is currently studying at Worthing College Public Services · Worthing, West Sussex.

Armandas is originally from Lithuania; and is quite an exceptional teen bodybuilder in the UK and trying to be super ripped, while also getting huge steroid free. His pecs are incredible and his 16" guns [biceps and triceps] are simply amazing....when the rest of his body catches up; he will be a force in the fitness world.

He is getting his body ready to go on stage in 4 weeks at the BNBF Competition: June 29, 2014 at Southern Fareham Hall, FAREHAM .  He loves shredding up and having his abs showing up nicely and all the veins starting to come out. 1st place is coming for him!

Skype: armandas.u.k.
Instagram: armandas_muscle

AND "LIKE" HIS NEW FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/Armandas.bodybuilding

Check out his awesome YouTube Channel: Armandukas16

To buy full 10 minute version of any of his videos go to:

3 Haziran 2014 Salı


Amadeus Dupont is a young 25 year old model that comes from Montpellier (France) with a physique that is the ultimate in male beauty.  Muscular and masculine with such force that it is impossible to not be impressed by his macho male seduction. 

With images from top photographers like Fred.M.Photography, Body Fotography-Gimbert and Florian Stéphane Photosud-Bodypix Amadeus' awesome physique can be seen by all.  Amadeus Dupont represents male beauty at its best.

1 Haziran 2014 Pazar


Todd recently revealed how he gets that hot bod: he likes to keep his protein at 1.5 grams per pound of body weight split between 6 meals. He also eats healthy carbs the first 5 meals, only protein and maybe a serving of fat (nuts or nut butter) the last meal. For the gym, he loves to do a split routine 5 or 6 days, lifting heavy on each day. Most of the time, after a sufficient warm-up, he first do es his heaviest lift because this is when he has the most energy. He will start at 10 reps, then 8, then 6, then 4, and then 2 for my last set. After this lift you cannot put the same effort into the subsequent exercises, so for those he stays in the 8 to 12 repetition range.

Todd's underwear line is the latest trends in his high-end underwear. The collection is classy, elegant and most of all sensual can best describe the look and tone of the line. His commitment is to guarantee superior comfort in fit, and to set the standard of ultimate quality and durability. The line is made with the finest blend of cotton and each pair of underwear is personally designed and inspired by Todd's unique sense of style and character, which sets this collection above the rest.

To order Todd's new collection click here.  All photos courtesy of photographer Kevin McDermott.


Bernardo Velasco [full name Bernardo Velasco Gonçalves].  Born January 30 of 1986 (28 years old) in  Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  Bernardo has a degree in Physical Education from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

His occupation is an actor and model; but he is also well-known for winning the male beauty contest "Mister Brazil" in 2009;  and eventually competing in the "Mr World 2009" representing his country Brazil.  Bernardo is a well established male model, in fact he is a very popular person in the gay blog community.  This sexy Brazilian hunk was noticed by the gay community after winning the prestigous Mr. Brazil Contest. 

Bernardo Velasco is good friends with the other Mister Brazils such as Lucas Malvacini (Mr Brazil 2011), Lucas Gil (Mr Brazil 2007), Renato Fereira (Mr Brazil 2008) and Jonas Sulzbach (Mr Brazil 2010). These sexy Mister Brazils make awesome eye candy. 

Bernardo describes himself as a typical young person, and plans to achieve many more things in his life.  In his spare time he loves playing football, hanging out with his friends and going to gym.

Sexy pictures and news gossip in 2011 about his girlfriend and gay issues, swirled around this sexy Brazilian male model.



He studied at the Actors Workshop of Rede Globo;  and began his career in television in 2008 when he was called through a social network to participate in a reality show in the program "Over You", hosted by Ana Maria Braga.  After leaving the show, he received invitations to model; and quickly starred in several advertising campaigns and magazine covers...modeling for "Carioca".   In 2012, he made ​​his acting debut on television in the teen soap "Fitness", playing the character Professor Kung Fu Nando.

In September 2013, he signed a contract with Rede Records and returned to TV in the soap opera "Mortal Sin", authored by Carlos Lombardi , in which he plays Romeo of the romantic couple with actress Moon Blanco.

For a year, Bernardo dated the actress Paloma Bernardi.

30 Mayıs 2014 Cuma


I just can't get enough of male model Felipe Jimenez, especially modeling Joe Snyder Mexican underwear brand.  Felipe Introduces this sensual collection and wows us with his gorgeous physique.  This handsome model is from Medellín, Antioquia [Columbia] where he attended Catholic High School; and attended the UPB University in Medellin.  He currently lives in Bogotá, Colombia and works with Stock Models as a professional model.  His full name is Andres Felipe Herrera Jimenez.

His statuesque and manly latino looks are perfect for these seductive and beautiful images.  A model that looks this fantastic modeling underwear....wow!

Here is the exclusive behind the scenes video of Felipe prepping, posing, and showing off that gorgeous smile of his.  Joe Snyder really knows how to use its countries resources by choosing Felipe to model their glamorous and flattering boxer briefs, briefs, bikinis and thongs. To play along with their ultra-lux underwear and Felipe’s gorgeous body, the brand used a fabulous mansion as the backdrop for the photo shoot.

Watch the exclusive video below to see Felipe sprawled out on a velvet chaise, fix himself in front of a glorious fireplace and get a double take as he makes sure he still looks pristine in a floor to ceiling mirror.

FOR MORE ABOUT ANDRES FELIPE HERRERA JIMENEZ CHECK OUT HIS FB PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/andresfelipe.herrerajimenez?fref=ts

28 Mayıs 2014 Çarşamba


Christopher Murdock is a 24 year-old from Verdun, Quebec where he went to Riverside Park Academy. He now lives in Montreal, Quebec where he is an assistant manager of a butcher department at IGA.

He is 6' 1.5″ and weighs 205 lbs.  He started working out because he was very skinny and was picked on a lot in high school. Also, he likes the feeling of competition, constantly striving to improve himself and make himself stronger. After working out for 8 years (but with a large break due to knee surgery), Christopher’s photo shoot with Paul Henry Serres was his first.

In addition to modeling, he plans to compete in the IDFA because “that is hands down the organization I am interested in."  The IDFA is the International Drug Free Athletics organization which just shows Chris' commitment to being drug free.

Christopher says that besides his friends, family, and his new  born daughter, bodybuilding is his biggest passion; however, he emphasizes that his friends, family, and daughter are his true source of strength and motivation.

Why is Christopher so special? ...well, in my opinion he has taken the time to develop every muscle, even muscles that most guys usually ignore such as his back and legs. His entire body is so well-developed, his arms and delts are especially huge. His abs are well-defined as well, and the thickness of his back muscles complete his superhero physique.  By having such complete, overall development, he sets his physique apart from those of others.

As you can see in these photos by photographer Paul Henry Serres, fitness model Christopher Murdock’s physique rivals that of Superman and not just because of the hot tattoo.  As his fitness modeling career continues, Christopher will defintely inspire other guys to start working out just like he has.

If you could like to connect with Christopher Murdock, Check out his FB Page:


If you liked these photos, be sure to take a look at more of photographer Paul Henry Serres’ work:

Website: http://www.paulhenryserres.com/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PaulHenrySerresPhotographe

ModelMayhem: http://www.modelmayhem.com/902114

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/paulhserres?feature=watch

26 Mayıs 2014 Pazartesi


Robert "Bobby" Dennis Jones Jr. born 10/04/91 is an aspiring Fitness Model and Trainer and who is preparing for the IFBB.  Bobby is from the Detroit Michigan area; but he was born and raised in Volusia County, Florida.

With his green/blue eyes and a height of 5' 10, he is a very handsome and fit model in every respect with tremendous potential.  His weight is between 184-195 lbs. but for competitions he stays around 168-172 lbs...and at around 6.5% or better body fat.

Training at the Power House Gym in Novi, Michigan, he has become a nationally qualified NPC Competitor and top aspiring Fitness Model who loves to motivate others.

In competitions so far he won a 1st Place in the Men's Physique Tall Class at the Simmons Peckham Ultimate Showdown in 2013; and at the Ft Lauderdale National Championships Bobby was a 4th call out placing 20th out of 63 in the Men's Physique D Category. He just recently came in 2nd at the The Grand Rapids Championship a national competition!

His first Photo Shoot ever was done with Luis Rafael in South Beach Miami Florida.

Check Out and "Like" his awesome 'FACEBOOK FITNESS PAGE':