28 Nisan 2013 Pazar


It's not often a regular guy like me gets to meet a major fitness model; and when I got the chance to have dinner with Tyler I was wowed.  We met at a local restaurant in both our hometowns here in Virginia. Tyler grew up here going to a rival high school from me,  He played basketball and was tall and skinny.  As he walked through the restaurant all heads turned not just from his good looks but his demeanor and nice physique.  Even though he wore a handsome shirt and dress slacks; you could tell he was well-built. Today Tyler is considered by many to have one of the most classically perfect physiques of all time.  The famous Zyzz, the online handle of Aziz Shavershian, an Australian bodybuilder, noted Tyler as one of his inspirations.

We chatted through dinner and he ordered a nice steak and vegetables and salad; and he was careful to tell the waiter not cook anything in butter.  I was simply star-struck. Tyler had already been a very successful personal trainer at a prestigous local fitness center here but he had just been on his first Fitness Magazine Cover, MEN'S EXERCISE. He personally autographed my copy which I still treasure.  He was a really pleasant, friendly and such a classy guy.  

Previously, in the summer of 2007 Tyler had competed in the Model Universe Show in Miami, FL. to try to get into the fitness modeling industry.  He then moved to NYC and worked with Adam Silver of Silver Models for a year.  Adam had noticed him at the Universe Weekend show and Tyler gives him credit for where he is today.  After a year Tyler decided he wanted to take the more fashion modeling route.  He started working with Jason Kanner of [at the time] Major Model Management.  He lost a lot of weight and with that he lost his confidence and really struggled with a loss of direction. So needless to say he figured out quick that this wasn't fo him; and decided to add muscle back on and get back into the fitness industry.

The rest of the story is Tyler struggled with an eating disorder and steroid use which gives him a real-life experience he shares on his website.  Tyler currently lives in Nashville, TN with his girlfriend where he is a top personal trainer.    From Nashville, Tyler continues to do his fitness modeling and compete in various bodybuilding events.  One year because he is so popular and well-respected Tyler hosted "The Model Universe" show in Miami.

The main thing is his interactive online website he manages with emphasis on food preparation and fitness advice.  He charges only $9.95/mo and gives the most personal attention to every member.  I just joined and I'm thrilled....it's simply put a feast of fitness knowlege.

GO TO----http://www.tylermcpeak.com/ and experience working with this classy southern gentleman.

Also check out Tyler's awesome interview with "Simply Shredded": http://www.simplyshredded.com/fitness-cover-model-tyler-mcpeak-talks-with-simplyshredded-com.html

Note: the famous Zyzz, the online handle of Aziz Shavershian, an Australian bodybuilder, noted Tyler as one of his inspirations.

17 Nisan 2013 Çarşamba


Adrien first appeared in a swimwear editorial for AXN magazine last year. Since then, he has appeared in a couple of international gay publications- DNA [cover] and Sensitif- both photographed by Simon Le. Most recently, he appeared in Pulse Denver magazine showing off his Baskit underwear while working out.

This French model was born in 1988 in Bouches du Rhône, and he currently resides in Australia.

Adrien Kute is simply stunning... and he has worked with both Armani and Baskit.  
He has an amazing body and a great smile, and he looks so gorgeous in swimwear and underwear.

Below are more of Adrien's photos (most by Simon Le) probably you will notice a visible eight-pack...

7 Nisan 2013 Pazar


Charles Damen, 26, is a fitness and fashion model. He is originally from Havana, Cuba and is currently located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He's willing to travel depending on the project; and has only been modeling for about 1 year. He's constantly looking to update his portfolio and brings out a sexy hotness in every shoot.

Model Mayhem Profile